Friday, January 24, 2020

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Educational Educating Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Teachers are key to the children’s future, what they teach students today will inevitably affect our tomorrow. I strongly want to be part in those children’s lives and decision making. I want to be a teacher because I feel it is important to ensure that children obtain a proper education. Teaching them daily will allow me the satisfaction in knowing that I personally have changed some child’s life. The environment of the classroom is very important for the education of children. If the atmosphere of the classroom is plain, it tends to express that education is boring and doesn’t produce any excitement. However, if the classroom has several bulletin boards and enticing educational pictures the children become interested and enthralled about leaning. I feel that the atmosphere is very important and I hope to have a classroom that is unique, with lots of interesting things on the walls of exiting places and remarkable people. I want children to not only hear what I’m talking about but to see and imagine the things I teach, this will help them to gain a better knowledge and understanding of the subject. The seating arrangement in the classroom is also very important. It is important that children not only interact with me but also with their peers. I want to place the student’s seats in small cluster of four; this will enable them to work together in small groups. This will also help the student’s to understand and comprehend the assignment better since they have partners there to help them and share their ideas. Since the students will be arranged into groups I will be able to walk around and give each of the group’s individual attention instead of observing the class as a whole. This group arrangement will benefit the children when we do projects, for example with reading they can take turns and share their personal views on the story with one another. When we assemble back together as a class the student’s will feel positive about their understanding and not be intimidated when they are called on to present their group views. This helps the children to feel confident about themselves and will help with their self-esteem as well. In my teaching style, I will be a mixture between traditional and facilitating. I will always be in complete control over my classroom, but I do not want to just lecture from the textbook all day. Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Educational Educating Essays Teaching Philosophy Statement Teachers are key to the children’s future, what they teach students today will inevitably affect our tomorrow. I strongly want to be part in those children’s lives and decision making. I want to be a teacher because I feel it is important to ensure that children obtain a proper education. Teaching them daily will allow me the satisfaction in knowing that I personally have changed some child’s life. The environment of the classroom is very important for the education of children. If the atmosphere of the classroom is plain, it tends to express that education is boring and doesn’t produce any excitement. However, if the classroom has several bulletin boards and enticing educational pictures the children become interested and enthralled about leaning. I feel that the atmosphere is very important and I hope to have a classroom that is unique, with lots of interesting things on the walls of exiting places and remarkable people. I want children to not only hear what I’m talking about but to see and imagine the things I teach, this will help them to gain a better knowledge and understanding of the subject. The seating arrangement in the classroom is also very important. It is important that children not only interact with me but also with their peers. I want to place the student’s seats in small cluster of four; this will enable them to work together in small groups. This will also help the student’s to understand and comprehend the assignment better since they have partners there to help them and share their ideas. Since the students will be arranged into groups I will be able to walk around and give each of the group’s individual attention instead of observing the class as a whole. This group arrangement will benefit the children when we do projects, for example with reading they can take turns and share their personal views on the story with one another. When we assemble back together as a class the student’s will feel positive about their understanding and not be intimidated when they are called on to present their group views. This helps the children to feel confident about themselves and will help with their self-esteem as well. In my teaching style, I will be a mixture between traditional and facilitating. I will always be in complete control over my classroom, but I do not want to just lecture from the textbook all day.

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