Sunday, February 2, 2020

American Presidents Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Presidents - Assignment Example Out of the eighteen Republican presidents, only three of them were 50 years of age or less while seven presidents were elected on the Democratic party ticket with 50 years or less in age. Q4. The total number of presidents who were 50 years or less at their time of inauguration was 9. The number of American presidents who served one term or less was 23 out of the total 44 presidents. Most of these presidents were assassinated while still in office. Q5. Out of the 23 there was only one Republican president elected while less than 50 years of age and served less than one term. Q6. The American presidents who were elected on a Republican Party ticket and were over 50 years at their time of inauguration were 15. Q7. In the entire Us history, there were only nine presidents who were 50 years or less at the time of inauguration and out of these three were Republican and seven Democrats. Q8. There has been a total of 21 presidents in the US who served more than one term in office with one o f them going for three terms.

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